
Different Types Of Rocks And Their Properties

Today we are going to talk about the rocks and its types. Rock is said to occur naturally in geology and is compatible with one or more minerals. The world consists of such rocks as the basic unit from which rocks are made and rocks form generally recognizable and map able volumes. So let's gather a little more information about the crash and its type.


There are 3 types of rocks.

Fire-type rocks are formed when molten stones cool and harden deep inside our earth. Sometimes such molten rock cools inside the earth and other times when it is seen erupting from a volcano on the surface it is called lava. And that lava cools very quickly and at that time no crystals form and the rock looks shiny and glassy. Sometimes during this cooling process of lava gas bubbles are trapped in the rock and the type of rock that leaves small holes and rocks in the rocks is known as igneous rock.

1. Granite

Granite is known as a coarse-grained Ignatius rock. Granite igneous rock is mostly composed of plagioclase, quartz and alkali feldspar. Granite igneous rock is composed of magma with a high content of alkali metal oxides and silica and which gradually solidifies underground.

2. Rhyolite

Rhyolite is the richest silica of igneous rocks. Rhyolite igneous rock is usually fine-grained in texture. But this type of igneous rock can be porphyritic and contains mineral crystals. Rhyolite igneous rock consists mainly of quartz, cyaniding and plagioclase. Rhyolite igneous rock is the extruded equivalent of granite.

3. Pegmatite

This type of igneous rock is known as a magical rock. Pegmatite igneous rock forms underground. The interlocking crystals in these rocks are usually larger than 2.5 cm in size. Most pegmatite igneous rock is composed of mica, quartz and feldspar. Pegmatite igneous rock has a silicic structure similar to granite.

4. Basalt

Basalt igneous rock is known as a mafic extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of lava rich in iron and magnesium. More than 90% of all volcanic rocks on Earth are basalt igneous rock. This type of rock is also known to be an important rock type on objects from other planets in the Solar System.

5. Gabbro igneous rock

Stones of this type of igneous rocks are a phaneritic and mafic intrusive. Gabbro Stone is formed by the slow cooling of magnesium-rich and iron-rich magma in a deep polycrystalline mass beneath the earth's surface. Much of the Earth's oceanic crust is made up of gabbro rock, which forms on the Mediterranean belt.

6. Obsidian igneous rock

This type of rock on igneous rocks is known as a naturally occurring volcanic rock. The obsidian rock forms the outer Ignatius rock. This type of rock is formed on igneous rocks when the felsic lava from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. This stone is found to be hard, brittle and amorphous. Obsidian is used experimentally as a surgical scalpel blade.

7. Lherzolite igneous rock

This type of stone is known as a type of Ultramafic us Ignatius stock. Lherzolite igneous rock is a coarse grained rock. Lherzolite contains 40 to 90% olivine. This stone contains chromium, garnet and aluminum spinels. The lower mantle of the moon may be made of Lherzolite stone.

8. Pumice igneous rock

This type of stone is called pumicite in the form of its powder or dust. Pumice is known as a volcanic rock. Pumice igneous rock contains very vesicular rough textured volcanic glass. This type of stone may or may not contain crystals. This type of stone has been used for centuries in the construction and beauty industries as well as in early medicine.

9. Kimberlite igneous rock

Kimberlite stone is considered an important part of igneous rock. Kimberlite stone sometimes contains diamonds. This type of stone is found in the earth's crust in vertical formations. Kimberlite stone also occurs as horizontal seals. Kimberlite is the most important source of mining diamonds in igneous rock today.

10. Dacite igneous rock

This type of rock is known as a volcanic rock formed by the rapid solidification of lava. Dacite is low in stone and low in alkaline metal oxides. Dacite has fineness for porphyritic texture. Dacite igneous rock is mainly composed of plagioclase feldspar and quartz.

2. Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks

Changes due to pressure and extreme temperatures form rocks of this type beneath the earth's surface. As a result of such processes, metamorphic rocks often have ribbon-like layers and may have shiny crystals, which are formed by slowly growing minerals over the surface of metamorphic rock. Examples of metamorphic rock types include guinea fowl and marble.

1. Slate Metamorphic rocks

Slate metamorphic rocks are the best granulated foliated metamorphic rocks. This type of rock is composed of foliated, fine-grained and homogeneous metamorphic rocks and is formed from the original shell-type alluvial clay or volcanic rock formed by a low-level regional profile.

2. Eclogite Metamorphic rocks

Eclogite metamorphic rocks are subject to high pressure of the Magic Ignatius stock. The earth's crust forms a rock of this type under pressure. An unusual Eclogite Metamorphic rocks can play an important role in driving an Eclogite solid inside the earth.

3. Marble Metamorphic rocks

Marble metamorphic rocks are known as a metamorphic stone composed of reconstituted carbonate minerals, commonly calcite and dolomite. The stiffness of this type is not usually foliated. In geology this type of Stone refers to metamorphosed limestone. This type of stone is commonly used for sculpture and as a building material.

4. Sphalerite Ore rocks

The sphalerite stone of ore rocks is a mineral which is the main ore of zinc. Sphalerite contains mostly zinc sulfide in crystalline form. But sphalerite ore rocks always contain variable iron. This stone is an opaque black variety when the amount of iron is high.

5. Gneiss rocks

This type of metamorphic rocks is a common and widely distributed type of stone. DIS type stone is formed by high-temperature, Guinness and high-pressure metamorphic processes. Gneiss Ore rocks form at higher temperatures and pressures than the Guinness Skeet.

6. Jadeite rocks

This type of stone is known as a pyroxene mineral with NAALSI2O6 composition. Jadeite is monotonous. This type of stone has a mold hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0 depending on the composition. This type of stone is formed in metamorphic rocks under high pressure and relatively low temperature conditions.

7. Schist rocks

This type of stone is made of mudstone and shell. Schist Ore rocks in the preferred direction have medium to large, flat and sheet-like grains. This type of stone includes mica, chlorite, hornblende, graphite, talc and others.

8. Deformed Conglomerate rocks

This type of stone found on metamorphic rocks has been replaced by heat and pressure. Deformed Conglomerate is large, round pebbles that are fiery stones. Deformed Conglomerate was formed into sedimentary rocks that were turned into layers.

9. Garnet Amphibolite rocks

This type of stone found on metamorphic rocks is a hornblende geothermometer applied to Dalmatian garnet amphibolite to obtain temperature in good agreement with those predicted by pellet petro genetic grids.

3. Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks

These types of rocks are formed from sand gravel, particles, shells and other pieces of material. All the particles of sedimentary rocks together are called silt. On this type of rock the silt gradually accumulates in layers and for a long time it hardens here. Usually the rock is very soft and breaks.

1. Sandstone Sedimentary rocks

This type of rock is known as a clastic sedimentary rock composed mainly of sand-sized silicate grains. This type of stone is about 20 to 25 percent of all silt rocks. Sandstone sedimentary rocks are made of quartz.

2. Banded Iron Sedimentary rocks

The rock formations of this type of rock are the distinctive units of this rock. Banded Iron consists of alternating layers of iron oxide and iron-weak charts. Banded Iron Sedimentary rocks can be up to a few hundred meters in thickness and extend up to several hundred kilometers later.

3. Shelly Limestone Sedimentary rocks

This type of sedimentary rock is known as a much fossilized limestone. Shelly Limestone is made up of many fossil species such as brachiopods, crinoids, sponges, corals, mollusks and bryozoans. Shelly Limestone varies in texture, color and hardness.

4. Shale Sedimentary rocks

The stones of this type of sedimentary rocks are known as a fine grained, classic stone. Shale is made of mud and is a mixture of clay mineral flakes and other small pieces of minerals and especially quartz and calcite. Sedimentary rocks of shale stone are characterized by a break in the thin laminate less than one centimeter thick.

5. Glacial Conglomerate Sedimentary rocks

This type of stone found on Sedimentary rocks is known as a classic alluvial stone. Glacial Conglomerate is composed of a significant fraction of the spherical to sub angular gravel-sized clash. This type of stone usually has a fine-grained silt matrix like sand, silt or clay. Cement is made from hard stone from this stone.

6. Chalk Sedimentary rocks

This type of rock found on Sedimentary rocks is known as soft, white, porous, alluvial carbonate rock. Chalk Sedimentary is a form of limestone made of calcite. Chalk is an ionic salt. This rock is formed under reasonable deep sea conditions by the gradual accumulation of calcite shells minute by minute from microorganisms known as coccolithophores.

7. Anthracite Sedimentary rocks

This type of stone found on sedimentary rocks is also known as hard coal. Anthracite sedimentary is a hard, compact variety of coal with submetallic luster. This stone has the highest carbon content and the least impurities. Anthracite Sedimentary is the highest ranking of coal.

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