
What Is The Difference Between A Lake, Lagoon, Pond And River?

Today we want to talk about the difference between a lagoon, lake, pond and river. The lagoon is commonly found in marine environments and mostly in coastal regions. The sea lagoon is found under the sea. In addition, the lakes are mainly located in the hinterland. So let us gather some more information about the difference between a lagoon, lake, pond and river.


1. Lagoon

Lagoon is known as the shallow hole of water near the sea. Lagoon differs from a series of barrier islands parallel to the coast. Lagoon is divided into two types of coastal lagoon and named atoll lagoon. Allows the current of the lake to be transported in and out of this type of place. Lagoon has been found in areas with gravel and mixed-sand beaches. Lagoons are not typically found to be very deep. Lagoon is strongly affected by precipitation and evaporation resulting in water temperature fluctuations and salinity.

2. Lake

The lake is known as a stagnant reservoir surrounded by land. And the lake is found mostly in the hilly areas of India. Lakes are formed by rainwater or rivers. Pure water is found in many lakes. The lake is not considered part of the ocean. In some parts of the world, many lakes have been formed due to chaotic drainage patterns from the last ice age. The lake is considered to be temporary on geological time scales as the ponds will gradually fill with silt and then flow out of the basin.

3. Pond

The pond is considered to be the vertical part of the water. Ponds are usually made for aquatic plants and animals such as crocodiles, lake herons and aquatic birds. Ponds are often man-made. And the pond has shallow water for aquatic plants and animals. The nutrients and water quality in the pond can be controlled by natural processes such as algal growth and by algae scrubbers. A few animals make their home in the Pond and include both alligators and beavers.

4. River

Rivers are found to flow through a stream of water which flows into the land towards the sea and another river. Rivers are considered part of the hydrological cycle. And rivers are known as the main source of water for people and animals. The longest river in the world is the Nile and this river is 6,650 km long. Rivers dry up at the end of its path without reaching the other body of water. Rivers are known to be part of the hydrological cycle. Water is commonly found in rivers as surface runoff and other sources such as springs, groundwater recharges and rainwater collected from natural ice and scattered water stored in snowpack.


1. Rivers are considered to be a huge and flowing body of water that empties into the ocean. Creek, Streams and Brooks are considered small tributaries of the river.

The pond is found surrounded by land and is usually smaller than a pond. Many ponds can also be man-made.

The lake is considered to be a huge body of water. The lake is usually found larger and deeper than the pond.

The lagoon is considered a shallow body of freshwater in the coastal region. The lagoon is usually separated from the deep sea by a shallow and open barrier beach area.

2. Rivers are considered to be the naturally flowing sponges of fresh water.

The water of the pond is found to be stagnant.

The lake is surrounded by land except the river and other outlets.

The lagoon is considered a common marine feature worldwide.

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