
The Barents Sea

Today we are going to talk about Barents Sea. The Barents Sea is known as the marginal sea of the Arctic Ocean. This type of sea is partially closed by land in the form of peninsulas and islands. The Barents Sea is located on the northern coast of Norway and Russia. The Barents Sea is divided between Norwegian and Russian territorial waters. So let's gather a little more information about the Barents Sea.


This type of sea was formerly known as "Murmanskoy Mori" by the Russians. The current name Barents Sea was first charted in 1853 in honor of the famous Dutch explorer Willem Barentsz. This type of sea was a difficult sea for sailors and sailors to navigate and therefore they call the sea "The Devil's Dance Floor" or "The Devil's Jaw".

This type of sea serves as an important place for exploration of petroleum and natural gas. And so there is economic importance due to the oil field located in the Barents Sea. The most important oil and natural gas fields located in this type of sea include the Goliath region of Norway and the Shtokman region of Russia. The Barents Sea is known as a high productive fishing area.


Due to the North Atlantic currents, this type of ocean has higher biological production than other oceans of the same latitude. The spring bloom of phytoplankton on the Barents Sea may begin sooner than the edge of the ice because fresh water from the melting ice forms a stagnant water level on top of the sea water.

Many researchers suggest that the consumption of marine mammals in the Barents Sea has only a negligible effect on fisheries. A model assessing the effects of fisheries and climate on the Barents Sea was more accurate than describing fish abundance trends. The SIZEX-89 was an international winter experiment and the main objectives were to study the sensors of different ice types to develop SAR algorithms for ice variants such as ice types, ice concentrations and ice kinematics on the Barents Sea.

Marine Life

This type of ocean is very supportive of most coastal biodiversity. The Barents Sea includes some of the world's largest deep-water coral reefs and coastal river forests. The Barents Sea serves as an important breeding, food and nursing ground for the coral reef and kelp forests for a rich and diverse marine life. Phytoplankton Barents provides food for the various zooplanktons and other deep sea fauna that inhabit the sea.

About 150 species of fish are found on the Barents Sea. Some species of fish living on the Barents Sea include salmon, capelin, Norwegian-Arctic cod, herring and catfish. This type of sea also supports one of the largest seabirds. In addition, 20 million seabirds of about 40 different species are found on the Barents Sea during the summer months.

Leading seabed species living on the Barents Sea include puffin, black guillemot, common guillemot, and razorbill. Six species of seals, about 12 species of whales, five species of dolphins, walruses, otters, polar bears and Arctic foxes are also found in and around the sea.


The southern part of this type of sea includes the ports of Murmansk and Vardø. The Barents Sea is ice-free all year round due to the warm currents of the North Atlantic. In the month of September the whole sea remains more or less completely ice free. The port of Barents Sea at Petsamo was Finland's only ice-free winter port.

This type of sea has a maximum width of 1,050 km and a length of about 1,300 km. The Barents Sea is found to be relatively shallow and the estimated average depth of the Barents Sea is 230 meters. This type of ocean structure is mainly covered with silt. And the Barents Sea is cut through numerous deep trenches from east to west.

This type of sea faces a subarctic climate. The average winter temperature on the Barents Sea is between -25 ° C and -5 ° C. Summer season temperatures on the Barents Sea range from 0 ° -10 ° C. This type of sea water has a salinity of 34 parts per 1,000. In addition to sea ice on the surface of the Barents Sea, winds blow south and receive significant sea-ice from the Central Arctic Ocean.

The "hotspots" that scientists have discovered are that parts of this type of ocean are beginning to meet near the Atlantic and are therefore called Atlantis. Human-caused global climate change is accelerating the Atlantification process and in turn will affect the weather patterns and circulation on the Barents Sea and the entire Arctic ecosystem.


This type of sea was originally formed by the collision of two main continents. In Caledonian orogeny Laurentia collided and collided for the formation of Baltica and then it collided between Laurasia and western Siberia. Most of the geological history of the Barents Sea is dominated by extension tectonics and is caused by the collapse of the Uralian orogenic belts and the Caledonian and the breakage of the penguins. And those events have created major rift basins dominating the shelf of the ocean with different platforms and structural heights.


The succession of the Barents Sea's dry pores was only due to gas wells and the prohibited cost of developing wells in such a remote area. Interest in the Barents Sea was ruled out in the late 2000s and then the snowy field was finally brought into production and two new major discoveries were made.

For decades there has been a boundary dispute between Norway and Russia over the status of the boundary between their claims over the Pacific Ocean. The Norwegians favored a midline on the Barents Sea based on the 1958 Geneva Convention, while the Russians favored a meridian-based area line on the Barents Sea based on the 1926 Soviet decision. Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Norway and Russia signed an agreement in 2010 that equated the Barents Sea border with their rival claims.

The sea of this type has the largest remaining cod population in the world as well as an important stock of haddock and capelin. Fishing on the Barents Sea is a joint venture between Russia and Norway established by the Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission in 1976, and the organization operates jointly to monitor how many fish are leaving the Barents Sea ecosystem.

The Barents makes the Arctic species living on the sea very attractive for marine bioprospecting. The marine bioprospecting of the Barents Sea has new and unique properties and can be defined as the discovery of commercial molecules and compounds of marine resources and potential for commercial applications. Others working on the Barents Sea include the textile, application medicine, food and feed, cosmetics and processing industries. The Norwegian government strategically fully supports the development of Barents Sea bio prospecting as it is likely to contribute to the creation of new and sustainable wealth in the bioprospecting of the sea.

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