
Haast's Eagle (New Zealand) Interesting Information

Haast's Eagle is lived in the South Island of New Zealand as well as the Kingdom of the Haast's Eagle is Animalia and also Family of the Haast's Eagle is Accipitridae or Haast's Eagle is commonly accepted to be Pouakai of the Maori legend. So, here we are describing some more interesting information about the Haast's Eagle.

Class of the Haast's Eagle is Aves and Phylum of the Haast's Eagle is Chordata as well as Genus is Hieraaetus. The Haast's Eagle species was the largest eagle known to have existed and Genus of the Haast's Eagle is Hieraaetus. Order of the Haast’s Eagle is Accipitriformes.

New Zealand status of the Haast's Eagle is Endemic as well as Conservation status of the Haast's Eagle is Extinct or the other names of the Haast's Eagle is giant eagle, Haast's eagle, New Zealand eagle, harpagornis, pouakai and also known as a hokioi.

Here we describe the identification of the Haast's Eagle means massive size is explained as an evolutionary response to the size of its prey as well as also Haast's Eagle is robust and large-bodied eagle with the proportionally large head and also bill or legs and talons. The vulture is like a bill was up to 130 mm long as well as the thick talons were up to 75 mm long and also wingspan of the Haast’s eagle is up to 3 m.

Body length of the Haast’s eagle is up to 1.4 m and also adults stood up to 90 cm tall. In the Haast's eagle male was smaller than female as well as that Haast's eagle is white, black and red plumage with the black feathers and that is tinged with the yellow or green and also a bunch of red feathers on its head. Here we are describing food of the Haast's eagles so mainly that eagles eat South Island moa species as well as possibly South Island goose or also larger rail or duck species of South Island.

First of all Haast's Eagle is described by Julius von Haast in 1871 from remains discovered by the F. Fuller in former marsh as well as Haast's eagle is named the eagle Harpagornis moorei as well as after George Henry Moore and also the owner of Glenmark Estate or where the bones of birds had been found. The genus name is from Greek harpax and meaning is grappling hook as well as orins and also means bird.

Haast's Eagles is one of the largest known true raptors as well as Haast's Eagles is also giant eagle from fossil record or that Eagle is more recently and scantly-described. In the Haast's Eagle Female eagles is significantly larger compared to males. Haast's Eagles is preyed on large as well as also flightless bird species and also that includes the moa. Haast's eagle is enough for attack human children as well as also for the described in Maori oral tradition.

500-600 years ago the Haast’s Eagle became extinct or at that time all moa species became extinct as well as the main reason for the extinction of Haast's Eagle is Overhunting by humans. Australian little eagle is 700,000 to 1.8 million years ago evolved from the common ancestor and that things is proved by the DNA study. South American harpy eagle and also north-east Asian Steller's sea eagle is known as an example of the eagle species and that becoming the top predator in the complex ecosystem.

Population : It is estimated that the complete Haast's eagle population is about 3,000 - 4,500 breeding pairs.

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